For me, one of the ways that I have been able to heal after a difficult journey of infertility, divorce and getting back on my feet again was exploring my creative spirit. Cacti Flor Wellness was born from a soul searching and pain staking journey to find my inner self love. I struggled for so many years trying to find love not knowing that love was right in front of me. Through creative projects, inspirations and my girls artistic nature, I started exploring how I could nurture a healthy dose of creative inspiration. Creativity is I believe the secret sauce of life in all forms and ways. This is the fruit of the soul that keeps on giving to humanity. That is why, I am including "Creativity" as a daily habit to nurture as part of my new program challenge "90 B.M.S Strong". There are still spots if you would like to join me and a group of women influencers just like you this Sunday, Jan 28 at 10 am Az time or 11 am CT to learn all about this fun and empowering adventure! I hope you can join me.